Application Process

We welcome new students and parents to our community

    • Applicants need to attend the Placement test (includes written English and Mathematicsand interview personally at the school or via Zoom/Microsoft Team Meeting)
    • Successful applicants will be issued a Letter of Acceptance by email
    • Pay the Enrollment Fee (non-refundable) within 2 weeks from the AcceptanceLetter
    • Issue a Letter of Offer
  • Complete and sign the following letters within 2 weeks from the date of the Offer Letter
    • Student Advisory Note
    • Student Contract
    • Non-Refundable Development Fee
    • Tuition Fees

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *
How did you hear about us?
When will you be contacted?
Programs *
Privacy Policy *

Campus Tour

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Child *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *

Student Information

Gender *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *
Citizenship *
Singapore Identity *
Name of Current School *
Current Grade *
Child’s hobbies *
English Level *
Apply for admission grade *
Visiting Date *
Visiting hours
How did you hear about HWA? *