School Policies

Our School Policies

The SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Board in October 2016 to carry out its functions and powers relating to private education under the Private Education Act. The SSG provide student services, consumer education and facilitate capability development efforts to uplift standards in the local private education industry. Following regulations, HWA International School implemented the following schemes: the Fee Protection Scheme, the Medical Insurance Scheme, the Transfer, Withdrawal and Deferment Policy, the Refund Policy, the Dispute Resolution Policy and the Late Payment Policy etc.

All students are briefed on the schemes at the point of enrolment and during Student Orientation programme. Details of the scheme are also available on the Standard PEI-Student Contract, Student Handbook and prominent locations within the school premise. For more information on SSG regulatory requirements, you may visit their website here. Alternatively, you may contact us at our Student Support Office for assistance.

It is a legal requirement from SSG that all students must enter into the Student Contract prior to commencing at HWA International School. The Student Contract is a critical documents that helps to minimise future disputes, therefore, it is essential that it be completely understood by the student (parents/legal guardians where a student is younger than 18 years of age) prior to enrolment.

Each contract is valid only for admission to one course. Students are required to sign two original sets of student contract and will retain one set for personal reference. No fields will leave blank in the student contract. Where non-applicable, it will be filled with “N.A.”

If any amendment is made which will change the original intent of the contract, the student and HWA International School must sign beside the amendement on both sets of the student contracts.

HWA International School will provide the student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the contract has been signed by both parties. The student will be refunded the highest percentage stated in the Refund Table of the fees already paid if the student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the HWA International School within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the student has started the course or not.

Click here to view the sample of Standard PEI-Student Contract

The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect students' fees in the event that a Private Education Institution (PEI) is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. In addition, the FPS also protects the students if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the students arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.

In compliance with the FPS, HWA International School provides fee protection for the fees paid by our students in the form of an Insurance Protection Scheme. Our school appointed Lonpac Insurance Berhad to be the FPS provider for all students. This insurance coverage covers the entire course fee.

Under the FPS, HWA International School will proceed to buy fee protection insurance from Lonpac Insurance Berhad within 7 working days of receiving payment. Insurance coverage takes effect on the day of school fee payment, and LONPAC Insurance Bhd will issue a Certificate of Insurance to the insured student directly via email. In addition, a copy of the Individual Student’s Certificate of Insurance can be obtained from the HWA Student Support Department.

Please note that the FPS is compulsory for all local and international students taking programmes at HWA except programmes with waiver granted by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) .

Please click here to view the LONPAC FPS Insurance Certificate (Policy No. Z24BX01140392)

For more information on the Fee Protection Scheme, please visit TPGateway website by clicking here for more information.

HWA International School has in place a medical insurance scheme for all its students as required by PEI certification scheme and appointed Tokio Marine Insurance Singapore Ltd. as its official medical insurance provider.  All students will be insured with the Hospital and Surgical Plan for the entire course duration in school.

The details of coverage and benefits can be found at the links below.

This medical insurance scheme shall provide a basic annual coverage limit of not less than $20,000 per student in B1 ward in government and restructured hospitals and up to overall maximum limit per policy year, with 24 hours coverage within Singapore and overseas (if the student is involved in the school-related activities) throughout the course duration.


The claims procedure is outlined in the Product Summary - TMCare Group Hospital & Surgical Insurance.

Students who need to make a claim under the medical insurance policy should submit this claim form to their respective division/campus Health Coordinator.

Course Transfer Procedures

  • A course transfer refers to a situation where a student who is enrolles in HWA International School course wishes to change to another course but remains as a student of HWA International School.
  • All request must be made in writing by completing the Course Transfer Request Form. For students that are under 18 years of age, written consent from the parent/legal guardian must be obtained.
  • Before the transfer of course, a Pre-Course Counselling shall be conducted for the student.
  • The student must also fulfill all the admissions criteria of the new course and will be subjected to HWA’s student selection and admission procedures. 
  • The student will have to complete the installment payments for all overdue fees of the existing course (if any) and returned outstanding property (if any) such as library books etc 
  • The Refund Policy shall apply if the requirements of the refund are met unless as otherwise agreed between the Academy and the Student.
  • A student requesting for a course transfer within HWA International School must withdraw from the existing course by cancelling the existing student contract before signing a new student contract for the new course.
  • The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) for the existing course fee paid will be cancelled. A new FPS will be purchased for the intended course fee paid after the contract is signed.
  • For the Student’s Pass Holder, Student Support Staff will submit new Student’s Pass Application to ICA for a transfer request. The transfer request is subjected to ICA’s approval.
  • If the transfer is rejected by ICA, Student Support Staff will inform the student immediately and the student is required to cancel his/her current Student Pass within 7 days if the student declines to continue his/her studies in the existing course.
  • The transfer process will be completed within 4 weeks to effect the course transfer and subject to ICA approval.

Course Withdrawal Procedures

  • A course withdrawal refers to a situation where a student who withdraws from HWA International School to transfer to another school or return to his/her native country for whatever reasons shall be deemed to have withdrawn from HWA International School.
  • A student who wishes to withdraw from a course after commencement shall inform HWA International School in writing by completing the Course Withdrawal Request Form. For students that are under 18 years of age, written consent from the parent / legal guardian must be obtained.
  • An interview session will be arrange with the Student Support Staff. 
  • The student will have to complete the installment payments for all overdue fees of the existing course (if any) and returned outstanding property (if any) such as library books etc 
  • Once approval is given, the notification of course withdrawal application will be given to the student. the refund policy and procedures shall apply if he/she is eligible for a refund.
  • The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) for the course fee paid will be cancelled.
  • Student holding Student Pass is required to submit his/her Student’s Pass to HWA International School for cancellation of Student Pass with ICA.
  • The withdrawal process will have to be completed within 4 weeks from the receipt of the request for withdrawal.

Course Deferment Procedures

  • HWA International School does not allow any deferment of course. Any related cases would be treated as withdrawal instead.

Student Course Transfer Procedures

  1. In the event that a student would want to proceed with a Course Transfer, he / she is to fill up the Course Transfer Request Form and hand it to the Student Support Staff for further processing. (The form to be signed by parents/guardian if below 18 years old).
  2. The Student Support Staff discuss with the student the reasons for his/her transfer request and explain the implications will have on his/her student’s pass.
  3. The Business Development staff will provide Pre-course Counselling for the intended course and check that the student satisfies the entry requirements of the requested course.
  4. If the student decides to proceed with the application for a course transfer after the discussion, the Student Support Staff will obtain the Principal’s approval for the transfer. A letter of Approval for transfer will then be given.
  5. Student Support Staff will apply for a new student pass for the new course where necessary and follow Student selection and admission process. Approval of all applications for student pass is solely at the discretion of ICA. 
  6. If there is a refund of course fee, the refund process will be followed.

Student Course Withdrawal Procedure

  1. In the event that a student would want to proceed with a Course Withdrawal, he/she is to fill up the Course Withdrawal Request Form and hand it to Student Support Staff for further processing. (The form to be signed by parents/guardian if below 18 years old). 
  2. The Student Support Staff will meet up with the student to discuss the reasons for withdrawal.
  3. If the student decides to proceed with the withdrawal application, Student Support Staff will submit the withdrawal request to Principal for approval.
  4. The Student Support Staff will issue a letter in writing to inform the student about the outcome of the withdrawal application.
  5. If there is a refund of course fee, the refund policy process will be followed.
  1. HWA International School shall ensure a fair and reasonable refund policy for any payments made.
  2. Local and International students are required to pay their fees as laid out in the respective Student Contracts and by the date(s) stipulated in the invoice(s).
  3. The complete Refund policies relating to both Withdrawals with Cause and Withdrawal without Cause are governed by the Student Contract entered between HWA International School and the student.
  4. Hwa’s Refund Policy is as follow:-
    • Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course

HWA International School will notify the student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

  • HWA International School fails, for any reason to commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
  • HWA International School terminates the Course for any reason, prior to the Course Commencement Date;  
  • HWA International School fails for any reason to complete the Course by the Course Completion Date; 
  • HWA International School terminates the Course for any reason prior to Course Completion Date;
  • HWA International School has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry requirements set by HWA International School stated in Schedule A of the standard student contract within any stipulated timeline set by SSG; or
  • The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The Student will be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons

If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1 of the student contract, HWA International School will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table below.


% of [the amounth of fees paid under Schedules B] If student's written notice of withdrawal is received:
80% more than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date
50% before, but not more than [30] days before the Course Commencement Date
0% after, but not more than [0] days after the Course Commencement Date
0% more than [0] days after the Course Commencement Date

Refund during Cooling off Period

HWA International School will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.

The Student will be refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D) of the fees already paid if the student submits a written notice of withdrawal to HWA within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the student has started the course or not.

Non Refundable Fees, no refunds will be made for fees that fall under this category : – 

  • Placement Test Fee is non-refundable and paid upon application.
  • Registration Fee is non-refundable and paid upon acceptance of offer.
  • Annual Enrolment Fee is billed per academic year and non-refundable.
  • Annual Development Fee is billed per academic year and non-refundable.
  • Bank Charges (if applicable) are to be borne by the student
  • Student Pass Fee (if applicable) are to be borne by the student.
  • HWA’s Non-refundable fees are reflected in Schedule C of the Student Contract. 

Prospective students are briefed on the Refund Policy during pre-course counseling and during the orientation program.

Handling of Feedbacks and Complaints

  • HWA accepts both written (emails/letters / Feedback Forms) and verbal communications (meetings/telephone correspondences) for ease of providing feedback.
  • HWA is to seek feedback from its key stakeholders and external partners for the continual improvement of its systems and processes.
  • All feedbacks and complaints must be properly recorded and /or documented. Any correspondence (including actions taken) between HWA and the student must be annexed as evidence. This is to ensure that any staffs handling the case are kept aware of the progress/outcomes.
  • In the event of any appeals for retention, suspension, expulsion, and awards, HWA’s Dispute Policy and Process shall follow.
  • It is the responsibility of the Student Services Staff to notify relevant divisions of any feedbacks and complaints.
  • Students must be kept informed of the status of their feedback/complaints.
  • Student Support Staff is to respond to respective students within 3 working days of receipt of the feedback/complaint.
  • All feedbacks/complaints must be resolved within 21 working days. In the event that the deadline is not adhered to, respective students must be notified and the reasons with regards to the delay must be made known.
  • All feedback and complaints are to be evaluated, and improvements to be made in response to them. Such improvements are to be documented for re-evaluation after its implementation, and the complainant/person giving feedback will be informed.
  • In the event that HWA and the student cannot come to an agreement or the student does not accept the final decision made by HWA’s Management Team, they will be referred to Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) or the Small Claims Tribunal for mediation.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

Students who wish to provide any feedback and/or complaints to HWA should adhere to the following procedure:

  • Students are to approach the Student Support Staff to request for a Feedback Form
  • The Student Support Staff is to acknowledge the feedback/complaint received. This should be done within 3 working days.
  • The head of department will analyse all feedback received and provide a solution with appropriate action.
  • If he/she accepts or is satisfied with the proposed solution the head of department submit the Feedback Form to QA for filing.
  • If the student is not satisfied with the proposed solution, he/she can escalate the matter up to the Management Team. The Management Team will investigate the case and take necessary actions to resolve it.
  • If the student is still not satisfied with the outcome/decision, he/she will be referred to the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) or the Small Claims Tribunal for mediation.
  • The entire process should not take more than 21 working days.

Note: As Feedback can be generic and/or positive, the Academy will have the discretion of the need to reply to students.

  • HWA will ensure that all students who have applied for the course understand the HWA’s late payment policy, and acknowledge this by signing on the Student Contract.
  • As per Student Contract, HWA will consider payments made 7 days after the scheduled due date(s) included in Schedule B in the Student Contract as late payment;
  • Students who pay after the scheduled due dates may have a late payment fee imposed on them. Students are required to pay this extra fee in addition to their current payment unless approval is given by the Principal on a case-by-case basis.
  • The late payment fee is as follows:
    • 7 to 60 days – 5% of unpaid fee
    • Above 60 days – 6% of unpaid fee
  • HWA reserves the final discretion to impose the late payment fee.
  • The release of Results

    1. Final examination results must be released within two weeks upon completion of the last assessment.

  •  Appeal Procedure for Results

    1. Upon release of results, students who are dissatisfied with the outcome may submit a Result Appeal Form to the Student Support Staff. This is to be done within 7 working days of the release of examination results.

    2. If the request qualifies for an appeal, a different marker will be designated to re-mark the paper.

    3. The Student Support Staff will inform the student of the final decision within 1 month from the date of the appeal.

  • Course Completion Certificates

    1. Students eligible for graduation would be informed to collect their certificates by the Student Support Staff.

HWA is to treat all students and staff data confidential and strictly for internal use only unless the disclosure is required by laws, order of any courts of Singapore and government agencies.

HWA is committed to maintain the confidentiality of all Student and Staff personal information and undertakes not to divulge any Student and Staff personal information to any third party without the prior written consent of the Student / Staff.

HWA has a Data Management System to manage our records. Our Data Management system shows the data storage location, purpose of data being kept, control criteria, accessibility and security mode.

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *
How did you hear about us?
When will you be contacted?
Programs *
Privacy Policy *
  • Welcome to HWA! How can I help? | 欢迎来到 HWA!有什么我可以帮您? | HWAへようこそ!何かお手伝いしましょうか? | HWA에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 무엇을 도와드릴까요? | Bienvenue à HWA ! Comment puis-je vous aider ? | Selamat datang di HWA! Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Gathering thoughts ...

Campus Tour

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name *
Last Name *
Relationship to Child *
Email *
Phone Country Code *
Phone No. *

Student Information

Gender *
First Name *
Last Name *
Birthday *
Citizenship *
Singapore Identity *
Name of Current School *
Current Grade *
Child’s hobbies *
English Level *
Apply for admission grade *
Visiting Date *
Visiting hours
How did you hear about HWA? *
